Friday, 29 January 2010

Chiron - Neptune Meditation

Chiron – Neptune

World-wide Link-up Meditation – Feb 16th 2010

(In some countries, this will be on the morning of Feb 17th - see timings, below)


Below, you will find a suggested format for a link-up meditation for the Chiron Neptune Alignment on February 16th; this is in response to those who have requested this.

Please feel free to adapt this to your own personal way of working, or indeed to create your own meditation/ceremony/prayer in whatever way feels appropriate for you. If you prefer to simply sit in silence, then that is fine too.


The exact alignment, as Chiron and Neptune pass overhead in Hawaii,

will be between 12:23 – 12:32 pm (AHST – Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time)

This is between 22:23 – 22:32 (UT – Universal Time / GMT)

If possible, we are suggesting that you

link-in with us for the full hour from 12.00 – 13.00 AHST

UK & Ireland: 22:00 – 23:00 UT/GMT

Europe: 23:00 – 00:00 CET; E. Europe: 00:00 – 01:00 (Feb 17th)

USA -17:00 – 18:00 EST; 16:00 – 17:00 CST; 15:00 – 16:00 MST; 14:00 – 15:00 PST; 13:00 – 14:00 YST

Australia: (Feb17th) 07:00 – 08:00 AWDT; 08:30 – 09:30 ACDT; 09:00 – 10:00 AEDT;

New Zealand: 11:00 – 12:00 NZST

A full list of Sacred Sites alignments and timings around the world, for that hour, are available in the update below this one, which was posted on 15th January.

The Sacred Intention

The sacred intention of the Chiron-Neptune Alignment Ceremony is to welcome the presence of Unconditional Love into our hearts, and into the Heart of the Earth; to compassionately release the mis-aligned energies of our personal and collective past, and to encourage and enable the focus of Heart-centred awareness in all individuals, systems and countries; to accelerate the on-going process of Global Healing of the body, emotions, mind and spirit of all sentient beings, as we approach the possibility for a Global Spiritual Rebirth in December 2012.

Suggested Meditation

Please read this through to familiarise yourself with the format, then you can just use the headings as reminders, when you come to do the meditation; alternatively, you may like to make your own recording of the meditation, which you can then listen to.

Breathe into the Heart

Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply, focussing your attention in your Heart Centre, in the middle of your chest. As you breathe in, feel your heart’s energy opening and expanding; as you breathe out, let your breath move down through your body, to your feet and into the Earth beneath. Continue this for several breaths, until your attention is focussed within your heart.

Expand the Heart’s energy-field

Feel your heart’s energy-field expanding around you, extending out in all directions, as far as is comfortable, as a radiant and vibrant glowing golden-pink light. Imagine “threads” of that light linking you with the hearts of people all around the world who are tuning in with you, at this time.

Embrace the flow of Unconditional Love - Neptune

Become aware of a flow of rich, radiant, gentle deep-blue light, flowing downwards from above your head. Allow this light to flow in, down and around your body, filling you with a sense of deep inner peace, stillness and a gentle, radiant joy. Feel this filling your Heart.

Embrace the flow of Divine Healing Light - Chiron

As the deep-blue light starts to move through your body, imagine it changing its hue to all the colours of the rainbow, and feel these colours bringing comfort and healing as they flow to all the different parts of your body from head to feet; feel the more subtle levels of these colours penetrating deep into your feelings, and extending outwards to bring you stillness, clarity and peace of mind.

Keep your attention focussed in your heart, and allow yourself to simply be held within this flow of Unconditional Healing Love for as long as you wish.

Grounding the energy into the Earth

After a while, use your out-breath to “send” the healing light deep down into the Earth beneath your feet. Imagine it anchored beneath your feet, by an emerald-green star, surrounded by golden light. From here, feel the light “pulsing” right down into the heart of the Earth.


When you start to feel the flow diminishing, then imagine the flow of light fading from above you, and allow it to simply fall into the Earth and dissolve from your awareness.

Bring your attention to the top of your head, and imagine a small sphere of golden light there, then bring it slowly, all the way down the front of your body, and anchor it into the Earth beneath your feet.

Take a few deep breaths, become aware of your physical body and your surroundings; have a good stretch, move around and drink some water, or have something light to eat.

Wait for at least 15 – 30 minutes before you do any complex physical tasks, like driving a car for instance.

Looking forward to being linked in spirit with you all on February 16th / 17th

Friday, 15 January 2010

The Chiron - Neptune Alignment

The Chiron - Neptune Conjunction on 16th February 2010

at 12.25 AHST - 22.25 Universal Time / GMT

Click to enlarge

Aloha - May you be in the Presence of the Breath of Life

This rare alignment last occurred, also over the Pacific in 1945, two days after the end of WW2; it heralded a new era of international relations, and set the stage for the current awakening and healing of global consciousness.

As they align again, over the Planetary Energy Centre of Hawaii, they offer another opportunity for profound levels of personal healing and global awakening to the energy of Unconditional Love. This is a crucial moment, as we approach a Global Spiritual Re-birth in December 2012. The 2012 Galactic Alignment is assuming great significance in people’s awareness.

This Chiron – Neptune conjunction will be our last opportunity, for this lifetime, to experience the profound changes offered by this alignment, as it will not occur again until 2094! In 1945, Chiron was yet to be discovered, so its full potentials remained unconscious until its discovery in 1977. It happens throughout History that, when a planet is observed for the first time, its psychological and spiritual qualities begin to gradually filter their way into mainstream consciousness. In the late 70’s, we saw the emergence of a wide range of alternative healing and spiritual disciplines, some new, some ancient. Many of these, which were considered to be “fringe” at that time, are now widely accepted by the mainstream.

The February Chiron - Neptune alignment heralds a global shift towards heart-centred consciousness. For this to happen, all of those structures within our personal lives, work and relationships, that are not heart-centred will simply begin to dissolve – this is the way of Neptune, dissolving and removing the limiting structures or illusions that no longer reflect our true self.

This also means that structures within Governments, the Banking System and Big Business, will not be able to sustain themselves unless they become more heart-focussed and compassionate. The uncompromising nature of Chiron requires that, when the time has come for healing and change to occur, it will not rest until that is achieved; the healing process will bring to the surface all of the ugliness, illusion and deception that has been going on, and quietly acquiesced to by us all, since 1945.

It’s time for change, and Neptune will ensure that change will happen both relentlessly…and with compassion. What is required for the compassion to kick in is a letting go and a change of heart; if we truly act from a place of Right Action, with an intention that is for the good of the whole, and then we will freely and effortlessly receive the abundance of the Universe, in every moment. The key is daring to let go and trust.

Chiron / Neptune World Alignments:

Alignments of the north-south Meridians of 8 planets will pass over Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii on 16th February 2010, all within 3 hours and 3 minutes between 11.27 – 14.30 AHST (Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time); one asteroid, Vesta the Eternal Flame of Divine Love, will also pass directly underneath our feet there.

In the crucial hour, from 12.00pm – 1.00pm AHST (Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time), when the Chiron and Neptune Meridians pass overhead, other planetary Meridian alignments will occur over many of the World’s Sacred Sites and Energy Centres.

We urge you to connect and tune in with us at these local times, at or near the Sacred Sites listed below – use meditation, ceremony, dance, singing, or just breathing in stillness, whatever helps you to connect to the Divine Source at the core of your being.

For each planetary alignment, the body chakra that corresponds with that planet is given below, so that you may tailor your ceremony/meditation to focus particularly at that level of consciousness, which will help you to anchor those planetary frequencies through your physical and energy bodies, and into the Earth.

The list below gives the most important of these alignments, with time given in AHST (Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time) and in the Local Time Zone of the Country or State, where they occur:

Note – all times given are on 16th Feb, unless specifically stated to be on 17th Feb

Click on each list to enlarge (and print):